I had a little mouse thing happen today. As I was pouring the last of Woody's dog food out of the 40 lb bag into the plastic bucket I need to keep it in, a mouse came out with the little bit of food that was left in there and kind of slowly made his way behind the washer and dryer. The cat came in the back door and sat in the laundry room for quite a while staring at the dryer. I did about 4 loads of wash later in the day and this evening while I was folding clothes fresh from the dryer, I found the little mouse body in the load of towels. I'm rewashing that load. Other than that, it's been a pretty slow day.

Here's a picture of Great Grandmother Doris holding our favorite wiggle worm, taken last Tuesday (4/10).

And here's the wiggle worm, just enjoying his own toes. He was looking intently at his great grandmother and, well...............

Monkey see, monkey do!