Saturday, September 29, 2007

well, we snuck in

the front door doesn't quite close so here are some premature pictures of the inside of our new house.

looking through the family room windows

living room window

wallflower in the living room

looking from where Doug was standing through the dining room to the family room

Doug in the "master" bath

me in the mistress tub


Hmmm, this must be pretty boring. It's going to be much nicer to actually live there than to just take pictures.


Anonymous said...

Looks great geart great great! Are you going to get new furniture for your new spacias family living room
? Looks really really exciting and i can imagine how fun to set up in THe Lewis family way for everything! I really hope i can visit you soon!



Anonymous said...

WOW, it is awesome, I can't wait to see it in person. Love the kitchen.


Lydia said...

oh, this post is anything but boring... it has everything from breaking and entering to home decorating!!!... there's even some allusion to master/mistress stuff...that could be titilating! it reads like a bad novel! xoxo